
This Is My Brave Producer Interest Meeting - February 20th


  • Free


Virtual - Zoom Webinar!


Are you interested in bringing This Is My Brave - The Show to your city? Would you like a sneak peek into what the production process is like? Well you're in the right place, and we're SO glad you're here! We're currently booking shows for 2024-2025, and we need YOUR help to do so!

This Is My Brave Shows are made possible by passionate, driven volunteers just like you! Join us for a one-hour meeting on Tuesday, February 20th at 10:00pm ET | 9:00pm CT | 8:00pm MT | 7:00pm PT to learn what it takes to produce a show. We'll highlight the steps to get started from putting together a team, gathering a cast of local storytellers, and ultimately getting onto a stage for a live (or virtual) performance. Don't worry - there is no obligation to produce a show by attending this meeting. It's just an opportunity to meet the Brave Staff and get some behind the scenes information.

We are all about storytelling. Every community has stories to tell and people who are ready to put their names and faces to their personal stories of recovery. You will be transformed through this process, and we'll be here to guide you along the way. What are you waiting for? Sign up now!
Event Registration is closed.